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After measuring available spaces UNDERNEATH the car and working between things I really don't want to move... like the suspension, it looks like I will be able to get 6 batteries basically under the rear passenger seat area. After weighing the car at all four wheels again with these batteries and the front four in place, it looks like the weight distribution is 56/44, so I am going to put the remaining two batteries under the hood. Along with a little more weight from racking and components the distribution should be pretty close to 60/40. BUT, this will require hood modifications.... The batteries will be a couple inches too tall to fit under the hood. Hhhhmm, perhaps a big scoop, or custom hood! The other option is to squeeze the remaining two batteries in the 'way back' trunk area. But this would be VERY tight to the suspension mounts and throw the weight distribution further off the goal of 60/40 (for front wheel drive).

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